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Data Analysis and Representation, Selection and Iteration (Coursera)

This course is the second course in the specialization exploring both computational thinking and beginning C programming. Rather than trying to define computational thinking, we’ll just say it’s a problem-solving process that includes lots of different components. Most people have a better understanding of what beginning C programming [...]

Claves para Gestionar Personas (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Claves para Gestionar Personas (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Te has preguntado alguna vez qué criterios utilizan las empresas para contratar o retribuir a las personas? ¿Por qué no siempre entendemos los planes de promoción?. El objetivo de este curso es conocer algunas herramientas prácticas en materia de Recursos Humanos y aprender a gestionar personas y liderar el [...]

Resampling, Selection and Splines (Coursera)

"Statistical Learning for Data Science" is an advanced course designed to equip working professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of data science. Through comprehensive instruction on key topics such as shrink methods, parametric regression analysis, generalized linear models, and general additive models, students [...]

Python Basics: Selection and Iteration (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Python Basics: Selection and Iteration (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Code and run your first python program in minutes without installing anything! This course is designed for learners with no coding experience, providing a solid foundation of not just python, but core Computer Science topics that can be transferred to other languages. The modules in this course cover printing, [...]

Data Structures & Algorithms III: AVL and 2-4 Trees, Divide and Conquer Algorithms (edX)

Learn more complex tree data structures, AVL and (2-4) trees. Investigate the balancing techniques found in both tree types. Implement these techniques in AVL operations. Explore sorting algorithms with simple iterative sorts, followed by Divide and Conquer algorithms. Use the course visualizations to understand the [...]

Teaching Programming to 5 - 11 year olds (FutureLearn)

Increase your programming knowledge and develop effective lessons to teach programming to primary school pupils (aged 5-11 years). Build your subject knowledge and develop your skills in teaching programming. Programming gives children the opportunity to be creators rather than just consumers of technology. Instead of only using existing programs [...]

Managing a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace for Public Libraries (edX)

Learn management skills to support workplace diversity and inclusion in a public library setting. You will learn about theories and frameworks that explain the underlying mechanisms of the impacts of diversity and learn how to understand and address the needs of women and underrepresented minorities (e.g. race, color, national [...]

Recruiting and Selecting the Right Person (edX)

Learn to ensure that your organization has the right people in the right jobs, to support employee wellbeing and improve performance and organizational success as part of the UCx in Organizational Psychology MicroMasters.

An Introduction to the Assessment of People at Work (FutureLearn)

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An Introduction to the Assessment of People at Work (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover the history of assessing people at work and get an overview of assessment throughout the employee life cycle. Understand how, when and why we need to assess people at work. Why do we assess people at work? How do we do it? On this course you will look [...]
No sessions available
Course Auditing
64.00 EUR

Healthcare Selection and Recruitment: Design and Deliver Effective Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) (FutureLearn)

Learn how to design MMIs and ensure their effectiveness in selecting healthcare professionals and students. Discover how MMIs can improve healthcare professional student selection. MMIs are an evidence-based interview methodology used in healthcare selection all around the world.