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Understanding the need for a sustainable business (Coursera)

This course will help you to discover the features of sustainable business and how you can adopt these for business success. You will gain a high-level understanding of the critical ‘big picture’ issues facing humanity today and learn how we can address them through innovation development and implementation. You’ll [...]

ESG Investing: Setting Standards & Conducting Analysis (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
ESG Investing: Setting Standards & Conducting Analysis (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The ESG Investing: Setting Standards & Conducting Analysis course provides students with basic knowledge of traditional financial products with some fundamental concepts to help better define what ESG is, including the rationale behind its inception, and how it has developed. Through the series of video, webinar, and reading modules [...]

Participación eficaz de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Participación eficaz de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo (Coursera)
Free Course
Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) son actores clave del desarrollo y tienen aportes valiosos que ofrecer. Desempeñan diversas funciones —por ejemplo, en materia de asistencia humanitaria, prestación de servicios, investigación, formulación de políticas, así como asegurar la rendición de cuentas de parte de gobiernos y otros grupos [...]

L’engagement efficace de la société civile dans le développement (Coursera)

Les organisations de la société civile (OSC) sont des acteurs clés du développement qui ont des contributions précieuses à apporter. Elles jouent une multitude de rôles – notamment en lien avec l’aide humanitaire, la prestation de services, la recherche et l’élaboration de politiques, et avec la responsabilisation des gouvernements [...]

Effective Engagement of Civil Society in Development (Coursera)

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are key actors in development that have valuable contributions to make. They play a multitude of roles - including in relation to humanitarian assistance, service-delivery, research and policy development, and pursuing accountability from governments and other stakeholders – all of which can significantly contribute to [...]

Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations (Coursera)

Welcome to the MOOC "Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations". We are very excited to have you on board and hope you will enjoy the course! In the coming 6 weeks, you will learn about the International Health Regulations (IHR), history of its creation [...]

Sustainable Development in the 21st Century with Ban Ki-moon (Coursera)

The course is designed for people that want to learn about the latest development agenda the international community agreed to achieve by 2030. Structured around the five pillars of Agenda 2030 – people, prosperity, planet, peace and justice, and partnership, students will learn that these pillars are interconnected and [...]

Sustainable Consumption and Health (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Sustainable Consumption and Health (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is an introductory and foundational course on sustainable consumption and health. In the first part of this course, we briefly review definitions of sustainability and the relationship between the three dimensions of sustainability and the UN-Environment Sustainable Environment Goals (SDGs), target and indicators. [...]

Strategies for Planned Social Change with Jagdish Sheth (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Strategies for Planned Social Change with Jagdish Sheth (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Many social issues are within the realm of public policy and civil organizations (NGOS), but corporations can also enable and champion social change. The business of business is more than business. As more and more companies engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR), they need to understand the ultimate users’ [...]