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Object-Oriented Programming with Java (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Object-Oriented Programming with Java (Coursera)
Course Auditing
If you have basic knowledge of Java and want to delve into the world of object-oriented programming, this course is for you. In four weeks, you will start with the fundamental concepts of object orientation to advance towards more advanced concepts. You will immerse yourself in the world of [...]

Object-Oriented Python: Inheritance and Encapsulation (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Object-Oriented Python: Inheritance and Encapsulation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Code and run your first python program in minutes without installing anything! This course is designed for learners with limited coding experience, providing a solid foundation of not just python, but core Computer Science topics that can be transferred to other languages. The modules in this course cover inheritance, [...]

Object-Oriented Hierarchies in Java (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Object-Oriented Hierarchies in Java (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Object-Oriented Hierarchies in Java is the third of a series of courses in the Core Java Specialization. The Core Java Specialization is part of a series of programming specializations, derived from LearnQuest's private Java Bootcamps, designed to provide the skill set necessary to be hired as an IT developer [...]

Inheritance and Data Structures in Java (Coursera)

This course provides a comprehensive look at Java inheritance, including access modifiers and overriding methods. Students are introduced to abstract classes, and will learn how to read and write to files, use regular expressions for parsing text, and how to leverage complex data structures like collections and maps. [...]

The Java Language (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
The Java Language (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the second course in the Java as a Second Language Specialization. In this course, we'll take a look at Java data types, discuss what primitive data types are, and explain data classes. We'll also explore characters and strings and you'll add a new class in the lab. [...]
Apr 29th 2024
Course Auditing
42.00 EUR/month

Java for Android (Coursera)

This MOOC teaches you how to program core features and classes from the Java programming language that are used in Android, which is the dominant platform for developing and deploying mobile device apps. In particular, this MOOC covers key Java programming language features that control the flow of [...]

Object-Oriented Programming and GUI with Python (Coursera)

In this course we will implement object-oriented programming into Python programs; outline the importance of why and how we use object-oriented programming; and learn how to use inheritance when designing a program. We will also look at how to build a graphical user interface for a basic program.

Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming for Unreal Games (Coursera)

This course is the fourth and final course in the Specialization about learning how to develop video games using the C++ programming language and the Unreal game engine on Windows or Mac. This course assumes you have the prerequisite knowledge from the previous three courses in the specialization. You [...]

Object-Oriented Java: Inheritance and Encapsulation (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Object-Oriented Java: Inheritance and Encapsulation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Code and run your first Java program in minutes without installing anything! This course is designed for learners with limited coding experience, providing a solid foundation of not just Java, but core Computer Science topics that can be transferred to other languages. The modules in this course cover inheritance, [...]
Apr 22nd 2024
Course Auditing
41.00 EUR/month