Motion Planning

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Modern Robotics, Course 5: Robot Manipulation and Wheeled Mobile Robots (Coursera)

Do you want to know how robots work? Are you interested in robotics as a career? Are you willing to invest the effort to learn fundamental mathematical modeling techniques that are used in all subfields of robotics? If so, then the "Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and [...]

Modern Robotics, Course 4: Robot Motion Planning and Control (Coursera)

Do you want to know how robots work? Are you interested in robotics as a career? Are you willing to invest the effort to learn fundamental mathematical modeling techniques that are used in all subfields of robotics? If so, then the "Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and [...]

Robotics: Aerial Robotics (Coursera)

How can we create agile micro aerial vehicles that are able to operate autonomously in cluttered indoor and outdoor environments? You will gain an introduction to the mechanics of flight and the design of quadrotor flying robots and will be able to develop dynamic models, derive controllers, and synthesize [...]

Robotics: Computational Motion Planning (Coursera)

Robotic systems typically include three components: a mechanism which is capable of exerting forces and torques on the environment, a perception system for sensing the world and a decision and control system which modulates the robot's behavior to achieve the desired ends. In this course we will consider the [...]

Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution (Coursera)

This course, which is the last and final course in the Introduction to Robotics with Webots specialization, will teach you basic approaches for planning robot trajectories and sequence their task execution. In "Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution", you will develop standard algorithms such as Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra's, A* [...]

Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars (Coursera)

Welcome to Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars, the fourth course in University of Toronto’s Self-Driving Cars Specialization. This course will introduce you to the main planning tasks in autonomous driving, including mission planning, behavior planning and local planning. By the end of this course, you will be able to [...]

Robotics (edX)

Learn the core techniques for representing robots that perform physical tasks in the real world. We think of Robotics as the science of building devices that physically interact with their environment. The most useful robots do it precisely, powerfully, repeatedly, tirelessly, fast, or some combinations of these. The most [...]

Robotics: Dynamics and Control (edX)

Learn how to design and engineer complex, dynamic robotic systems. Flying drones or robot manipulators accomplish heavy-duty tasks that deal with considerable forces and torques not covered by a purely robot kinematics framework. Learn how to formulate dynamics problems and design appropriate control [...]