Marine Environment

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Ecosystems of California (Coursera)

This course surveys the diversity, structure and functioning of California’s ecosystems through time and the ways they have influenced and responded to human activities and stewardship. Topics include ecosystem drivers such as climate, soils, and land use history; human and ecological prehistory of the state; comparative marine, freshwater, and [...]

Marine Biology (Coursera)

This course is about life in the oceans, from the sunlit surface to the inky depths, from microscopic phytoplankton to the great blue whale. The ocean is among the world’s most inhospitable environments for scientific research, which is why we know as much about the surface of the moon [...]

Nitrogen Pollution - Threats to Tropical Coral Coasts (edX)

This course explores how nitrogen interacts with the marine environment and the associated threats of nitrogen pollution caused by human activity, using tropical coral reefs and seagrasses as model ecosystems.

Marine Biology (

Legacy Course
Marine Biology (
Free Course
Marine Biology is the study of ocean life. As you might expect, life in salt water is vastly different from life in a terrestrial or freshwater environment due to factors like salinity, water circulation, and atmospheric pressure. How, for example, can organisms living in salt water avoid dehydration? [...]