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Manager dans l'incertain (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Manager dans l'incertain (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Le MOOC “Manager dans l’incertain” s’adresse aux étudiants comme aux porteurs de projet et managers (qu'ils soient en activité professionnelle, juniors ou seniors dans leurs domaines de spécialité) mais aussi à tout acteur du monde de l'entreprise susceptible de prendre des décisions dans un contexte imprévisible. Ce MOOC vous [...]

Aspectos fundamentales de la gerencia (Coursera)

¿Está a punto de entrar en el mercado laboral? ¿Es un profesional nuevo? ¿Es nuevo en su cargo dentro de la organización? Todos los posibles empleados nuevos necesitan conocer los principios, las funciones y las responsabilidades asociados a la gerencia, independientemente del cargo que ocupen. Ahora puede adquirir amplios [...]

Coaching Practices (Coursera)

In order for coaching to be most effective, it’s important that there is strong culture of coaching and accountability which you will learn how to incorporate into your one-on-one meetings in this course. We’ll discuss strategies in coaching great employees who are highly motivated, consistent performers, and poor performers. [...]

Fundamentals of Management (Coursera)

Are you about to enter the workforce? Are you an emerging professional? Are you new to your role in the organization? All prospective new employees benefit from understanding management principles, roles and responsibilities, regardless of position. Now you can acquire an in-depth understanding of the basic concepts and [...]

Building Products at Global Scale (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Building Products at Global Scale (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In the previous course, Inspiring Peak Performance on Technical Teams, you learned about how to lead each individual team member to achieve a new personal best every day. Now, learn the skills that transcend the boundaries of your team and enable top tech companies to deliver the most popular [...]

Desenvolvimento do Líder (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Desenvolvimento do Líder. Neste curso, você aprenderá que um grande desafio para as organizações contemporâneas é o desenvolvimento de sua liderança para um ambiente cada vez mais exigente e complexo. Ao mesmo tempo, as pessoas em posição de liderança se sentem inseguras com as transformações [...]

Construção da Identidade de Líder (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Construção da Identidade de Líder. Neste curso, você aprenderá que as pressões sobre o líder na organização contemporânea são inusitadas e exigem uma capacidade de releitura das demandas do contexto e revisão de práticas. Dessa forma, torna-se necessária uma revisão do perfil do líder, visando [...]

Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs III (Coursera)

Do you want to experience what it is to go from idea to code? If so, this is the place for you! This is the third course in the Coding for Designers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs Specialization. If you’re a hands-on collaborator with developers, this course is specifically designed for [...]

Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs II (Coursera)

Do you want to experience what it is to go from idea to code? If so, this is the place for you! This is the second course in the Coding for Designers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs Specialization. If you’re a hands-on collaborator with developers, this course is specifically designed for [...]

Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs I (Coursera)

Do you want to experience what it is to go from idea to code? If so, this is the place for you! This is the first course in the Coding for Designers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs Specialization, which is specifically designed for you, if you’re a hands-on collaborator with developers. [...]