Integrated Marketing Communications

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Comunicaciones integradas de marketing: Publicidad, Relaciones Públicas, Marketing Digital y más (Coursera)

¿Qué tanto conoce las campañas de comunicación de marketing? Obtenga más información acerca de este pilar clave del marketing mix y aprovéchelo para dar un impulso a su producto o servicio. A través de este curso aprenderá a enfrentar los mayores retos a la hora de planificar y evaluar [...]

Content, Advertising & Social IMC (Coursera)

Want your content to go viral? Who doesn't! It takes a thoughtful, integrated approach to make content that stands out in our increasingly oversaturated world. In this fourth course of the Social Marketing Specialization - "Content, Advertising & Social IMC" - you will learn how marketers are successfully navigating [...]

Marketing Mix Fundamentals (Coursera)

Marketing Mix Fundamentals prepares you for arguably the most important stage of bring your product to market - how and where are you going to market it? It sets out a detailed introduction to the four P’s of Marketing (Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion), this course forces you to [...]