Higher Education

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Skills to Succeed at University (FutureLearn)

Apr 22nd 2024
Skills to Succeed at University (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Prepare for university and master academic skills that are essential for undergraduates studying in the UK. Get a head start with your undergraduate studies by learning key academic skills. This two-week course is designed by experienced educators at the University of Leeds to help you transition to higher education [...]

Leading for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (Coursera)

This course is open to professionals interested in learning more about leadership in higher education for a changing demographic or interested in developing their own leadership skills. The very idea that individuals can be taught to lead is not without its skeptics. Reasonable people, even some scholars in [...]

University Studies for Student Veterans (Coursera)

The skills you learned in the military will go a long way toward helping you succeed in college, but if you’re looking for some extra support – or an academic tune-up – then you’ll find it in this course. We know that the culture of higher education is different [...]

Evaluación educativa del y para el aprendizaje en educación superior (Coursera)

La visión contemporánea del aprendizaje como un proceso activo, constructivo y flexible, además de la diversidad de experiencias de aprendizaje y contextos donde estas se desarrollan, exige al profesorado el diseño de instrumentos de prácticas de evaluación que correspondan a estas necesidades.

Teaching in University Science Laboratories (Developing Best Practice) (Coursera)

This course is developed to improve the effectiveness of laboratory classes in higher education. It aims to support teachers to improve their teaching skills for active learning in university science laboratory courses. It will show you how laboratory sessions can differ with respect to their aim and expected [...]

Criterios para la Gestión y el Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educación Superior (Coursera)

El presente curso tiene como propósito comprender el concepto, componentes e implicancias en la Gestión y Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educación Superior. Por ello, se revisará: los fines de las educación superior; qué son los sistemas de educación superior, criterios o ámbitos a considerar en la educación [...]

University Teaching (Coursera)

University Teaching is an introductory course in teaching and learning in tertiary education, designed by staff at the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Hong Kong. With input from instructors, guests and interviewees, including teaching award winners, students, and experts in the [...]

Attaining Higher Education (Coursera)

Prepare to transition to college using intentional decision-making. Aimed at active duty service members and veterans, with this course you will learn about the college admission process, including financial aid, to help you choose a right-fit college.

Supporting Veteran Success in Higher Education (Coursera)

This course is designed to be a training that familiarizes any faculty or staff member at a college or university with military and veteran culture as well as veteran-specific considerations in the areas of admissions, finances, academic and student life, and health and well-being. Our hope is that the [...]

El desafío de Innovar en la Educación Superior (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
El desafío de Innovar en la Educación Superior (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El propósito del curso es incentivarte a que en tu labor docente replantees tu práctica, desde perspectivas innovadoras con miras a mejorar la calidad de los aprendizajes con todos tus estudiantes. Además, este curso promueve que vincules la formación de tus estudiantes con desafíos sociales, profesionales y laborales, propiciando [...]