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Intro to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining (Coursera)

Welcome to Introduction to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining. In this course, we will begin with an exploration of the field and profession of data science with a focus on the skills and ethical considerations required when working with data. We will review the types of business [...]

Origens da Vida no Contexto Cósmico (Coursera)

Origens da vida no contexto cósmico é um curso desenvolvido no Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas da Universidade de São Paulo, com o objetivo de apresentar os mais recentes avanços científicos na compreensão deste intrigante assunto. É um curso com formato multidisciplinar que o levará a compreender [...]

Introducción a la Geotermia (Coursera)

Este curso está enfocado en introducir a las técnicas de exploración en Geotermia a profesionistas (de todas las Ingenierías y Licenciaturas en Geociencias, Ambientalistas, Economistas y carreras afines) interesados en las energías limpias.

Introduction to Petroleum Engineering (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn such concepts as oil and gas production, reservoir energy and forces, petroleum deposit drainage, development systems, well operation techniques and much more. Each participant in the course will develop an understanding of field life cycle and interdisciplinary approach to petroleum field development and [...]

Seismic tomography: look inside the Earth (Coursera)

Welcome to the course “Seismic tomography: Look inside the Earth”. We will speak about the use of seismic tomography and its mathematical base, we’ll learn about earthquakes and find out how they start, also we’ll conduct some experiments and go on an expedition to Kamchatka. By the end of [...]