Exchange Rates

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Monetary Policy in the Asia Pacific (Coursera)

This advanced course will build a foundation for understanding liquidity policy implementation in the Asia-Pacific using standard economic models. The course will discuss the effects of high level discussion of a key element of national level public policy, monetary policy.

Trade, Immigration and Exchange Rates in a Globalized World (Coursera)

This is the second of the three courses part of the Globalization, Economic Growth and Stability Specialization. This course will focus on facets of globalization that affect a country´s economic perspectives and decisions. Globalization has recently been the predominant subject in many political debates, and this course will go [...]

Country Level Economics: Macroeconomic Variables and Markets (Coursera)

This course discusses how macroeconomic variables affect individuals’ personal, professional, and public activities and lays the foundation for the analysis of the mechanisms that drive macroeconomic variables. It start in its first module by introducing the key macroeconomic variables and explaining how they are defined and measured in order [...]

International Business II (Coursera)

This course, Introduction to the Global Business Environment II, focuses on managing organizations in the international economy. Building on Introduction to the Global Business Environment I, this second course focuses on organizational level and management issues in international settings. The course prepares students with practical as well as research-based [...]

Foundations of Central Bank Law (edX)

This online course, presented by the IMF Institute and the IMF Legal Department, introduces participants to the foundations of central bank law. The course covers the legal issues that are necessary to support sound and effective central banks. It addresses the legal underpinnings of the mandate, decision-making structures, autonomy, [...]

Macroeconomics for a Sustainable Planet (edX)

Is it possible to develop a thriving global economy in an equitable and environmentally-resilient way? Unemployment. Inflation. Protectionism. Trade barriers. Fiscal deficit. These are not just terms in an economics textbook or in newspaper headlines. These real-life challenges carry societal and environmental implications for billions of people around the [...]