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Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática. Neste curso, você aprenderá que a Teoria dos Jogos é um ramo da Economia que trata da análise da tomada de decisões quando todos os tomadores de decisões são presumivelmente racionais, e cada um procura prever as ações [...]

Arctic Economy (Coursera)

Arctic communities have diverse histories and roles in local, regional and global economies. However, the scope and scale of globalization has increased so quickly that vulnerable Arctic communities are facing new kinds of challenges to their survival. In this 3-week MOOC, a unique collaboration between the University of Alberta [...]

Arctic Change & the Nexus of Governance, Economics & Culture (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Arctic Change & the Nexus of Governance, Economics & Culture (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will learn how the changing Arctic environment is tied to the growing economic and strategic importance of the North. After setting the stage through a review of the peoples of the Arctic and how they are dealing with change, Arctic governance, economies national defense, attention [...]

Infonomics I: Business Information Economics and Data Monetization (Coursera)

Thriving in the Information Age compels organizations to deploy information as an actual business asset, not as an IT asset or merely as a business byproduct. This demands creativity in conceiving and implementing new ways to generate economic benefits from the wide array of information assets available to an [...]

Structuring Values in Modern China (Coursera)

This sequence of four courses will propose a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Chinese cultural history conceived of as a succession of modes of rationality (philosophical, bureaucratic, and economic). The focus will be on the moments of paradigm shift from one mode of rationality to another. For each [...]

Earth Economics (Coursera)

After this course you will be an Earth Economist that can provide evidence-based advise on the best global policy. As an Earth Economist you will better understand the behavior and advice of economists, have become a better economist yourself and know where to find Earth's data and how to [...]

Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy (Coursera)

How much should you charge for your products and services? Traditionally, businesses have answered this question based on the cost to produce or provide their goods and services. This course shows you the economic factors behind pricing based on cost and the pros and cons of a cost-based pricing [...]

Business English: Finance and Economics (Coursera)

Do you work in finance or interact with finance professionals? Is it necessary to speak, write or understand English in your career? Follow the authentic characters in this course as they work through common business situations in finance and economics. Learn from your successes and failure, and think critically [...]

Country Level Economics: Macroeconomic Variables and Markets (Coursera)

This course discusses how macroeconomic variables affect individuals’ personal, professional, and public activities and lays the foundation for the analysis of the mechanisms that drive macroeconomic variables. It start in its first module by introducing the key macroeconomic variables and explaining how they are defined and measured in order [...]

Firm Level Economics: Markets and Allocations (Coursera)

In this class, we will derive equilibrium outcomes across a variety of market structures. We will begin by understanding equilibrium under a market structure called Perfect Competition, a benchmark construction. Economists have tools to measure the efficiency of market outcomes. We next consider the polar extreme of a competitive [...]