Digital Branding

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E-commerce Academy (Coursera)

Este curso presenta todos los elementos necesarios para el desarrollo de un comercio electrónico y las variables que se deben considerar para poder vender online, ya sea productos o servicios. A lo largo de las cuatro semanas, analizaremos las características de las tiendas virtuales y qué aspectos debemos tener [...]

Digital Branding and Engagement (edX)

Learn how to increase brand engagement through the creation and distribution of content using an owned digital channel approach. Want to learn how to get people to engage with your brand, but not sure where to begin? Digital technology has rapidly evolved in the last decade, and so too [...]

Comercio digital: reinventando los modelos de negocio (edX)

La velocidad de las transacciones comerciales y la forma ágil de tomar decisiones aumentan las necesidades de digitalizar las actividades comerciales de cualquier tipo de negocio. Es por eso que, los modelos de negocio están cambiando muy rápido y la adaptación a los nuevos comportamientos de los clientes afectará [...]

Digital Commerce Reinventing Business Models (edX)

The speed of business transactions and the agile way to take decisions increase the needs to digitalize the trading activities of any kind of business. That’s why the business models are changing very fast, and the adaptation to the new customer behaviors will impact the feasibility of the businesses [...]

Content Branding and Digital Storytelling for CCIs (POK)

This course will introduce the most important Branding concepts in the fashion sector with practical applications of branding strategies to the market. The course is part of a DigiMooD MOOCs. It gives an overview of Branding concepts in the fashion sector both tackling theoretical fundamentals related to the nature [...]