Cognitive Neuroscience

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The Neuroscience of Personal Excellence (Coursera)

Many of us struggle to understand our actions and behavior in any given situation. Especially when pressure and stress are highest. What if we could make better decisions, create healthy habits more easily, regulate our emotions, become more mentally tough and perform well under pressure? There are certain defining [...]

Neurociencia empresarial: siete claves para la PYME (URJC)

La empresa, como la sociedad, está viviendo momentos de incertidumbre, riesgo y caos. Esto provoca un ambiente laboral de miedo, desconfianza, inseguridad, que se traduce en personas que se ven obligadas a dejar su puesto de trabajo y personal desmotivado que trabaja bajo mucha presión, sin implicación personal en [...]

Adaptive Markets: Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior (edX)

A completely new way of thinking about financial markets, institutions, and innovation that reconciles human behavior with market efficiency using concepts from evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. Half of all Americans have money in the stock market, yet economists can’t agree on whether investors and markets are [...]

Mente e cervello: dalla neuropsicologia alle neuroscienze cognitive (Federica Web Learning)

Il nostro cervello ci permette di muoverci e di percepire l'ambiente che ci circonda, ma anche di parlare, di leggere e scrivere, di prestare attenzione, di vivere ricordi ed emozioni. Fin dall'antichità ci si è chiesto come queste funzioni "mentali" possano emergere dal funzionamento cerebrale.