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Data-driven Decision Making (Coursera)

Welcome to Data-driven Decision Making. In this course, you'll get an introduction to Data Analytics and its role in business decisions. You'll learn why data is important and how it has evolved. You'll be introduced to “Big Data” and how it is used. You'll also be introduced to a [...]

Supply Chain Logistics (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered how goods get delivered to us so quickly as soon as we order them? One word: Logistics! In this introductory Supply Chain Logistics course, I will take you on a journey to this fascinating backbone of global trade. We cover the three major building blocks [...]

Accounting for Business Decision Making: Strategy Assessment and Control (Coursera)

Accounting information is the lifeblood of the organization, as it facilitates and influences operational and strategic decisions intended to achieve organizational goals. Organizations benefit from three decision-oriented roles of accounting: measurement, control, and communication. This course provides an introduction to accounting’s role in helping managers develop and implement, and [...]

Finance For Everyone: Value (Coursera)

In Value, you will explore the most powerful generator of value in the world – ideas. Ideas are the engines of productivity, both in the private and public sectors. You will learn about the universal frameworks that determine how ideas and money interact, leading to the allocation of financial [...]

Accounting for Business Decision Making: Measurement and Operational Decisions (Coursera)

Accounting information is the lifeblood of the organization as it facilitates and influences operational and strategic decisions intended to achieve organizational goals. Organizations benefit from three decision-oriented roles of accounting: measurement, control, and communication. This course provides an introduction to accounting’s measurement role inside of an organization and how [...]

¿Cómo convertir mi idea en empresa? (Coursera)

Este curso te ofrece un entrenamiento para la tarea de descubrir quién será el consumidor de tu producto o servicio y cuáles serán los atributos y características del mismo. Al terminar el curso, habrás identificado una oportunidad de negocio que te permitirá utilizar tus fortalezas personales; habrás identificado un [...]

Las redes sociales en acción (Coursera)

Como un mercadólogo, tenemos claro que nuestra función principal en las empresas es identificar las necesidades del mercado y con base en ellas establecer estrategias de compra – venta que causen impacto y satisfagan las necesidades de los consumidores. Éste es un reto importante, pero además de ser creativos [...]

L'entrepreneuriat social: faire son business plan (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
L'entrepreneuriat social: faire son business plan (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce MOOC a pour vocation de vous aider à créer votre entreprise à but social ou environnemental en vous aidant à vous poser toutes les "bonnes questions" : besoin social, proposition de valeur, modèle économique, financement, statut juridique, mesure de l'impact social...Thierry Sibieude, professeur titulaire de la Chaire Innovation [...]

Business Strategy (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how organizations create, capture, and maintain value, and how it is fundamental for sustainable competitive advantage. You will be able to better understand value creation and capture, and learn the tools to analyze both competition and cooperation from a variety of perspectives, including [...]

Introducción a la Estrategia (Coursera)

En este curso, conocerás la importancia de la estrategia en cualquier tipo de organización; diferenciarás los modelos conductuales que se aplican en diferentes países, quiénes son sus principales actores y los intereses que tienen en una empresa. Partirás de la planeación estratégica para materializar tu idea de negocio, a [...]