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Engineering Life: Synbio, Bioethics & Public Policy (Coursera)

Synbio is a diverse field with diverse applications, and the different contexts (e.g., gain-of-function research, biofuels) raise different ethical and governance challenges. The objective of this course is to increase learners’ awareness and understanding of ethical and policy/governance issues that arise in the design, conduct and application of synthetic [...]

Energy, Environment, and Everyday Life (Coursera)

This course teaches you everything you need to know about energy, the environment, and at least a number of things in everyday life. It starts by talking about energy itself and where it comes from. This includes how much we have, who has it, who uses it, and what [...]

Nutrient Removal and Resource Recovery in Wastewater (edX)

Feb 13th 2023
Nutrient Removal and Resource Recovery in Wastewater (edX)
Course Auditing
This course introduces nutrient removal principles used in biological wastewater treatment plants. Nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, are essential for all living organisms. However, excess amounts of nutrients in wastewater often result in eutrophication that may deplete oxygen, promote harmful algal bloom, and even create dead zone for aquatic [...]

Green Travel and Climate Change: An Introduction to Low Carbon Road Transport (FutureLearn)

Aug 2nd 2021
Green Travel and Climate Change: An Introduction to Low Carbon Road Transport (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Find out the impact of road transport on carbon emissions and climate change, and how low carbon transport technologies can help. Explore the role of low carbon transport technologies in tackling climate change. This course explores the key transport technologies, trends, and policies that are enabling a transition to [...]
Aug 2nd 2021
Course Auditing
64.00 EUR