A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Science of Exercise (Coursera)

Learners who complete Science of Exercise will have an improved physiological understanding of how your body responds to exercise, and will be able to identify behaviors, choices, and environments that impact your health and training. You will explore a number of significant adjustments required by your body in order [...]

JavaScript Security Refreshers (Coursera)

This course is a Secure Javascript Programming Overview. It gives the student an introduction to JavaScript security and covers important topics like authentication best practices and refreshers on JavaScript, Web browsers and Node.js.

Building Your Career in Music: Developing A Brand and Funding Your Music (Coursera)

This course shares practical tips and strategies to help you take your first step into launching your career as a musical artist. We’ll cover everything from developing your unique identity as an artist and how to lead a band all the way to planning and recording your first independent [...]

ÉCHELLE RACE: Dépistage préhospitalier de l’AVC impliquant une occlusion de gros vaisseaux cérébraux (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
ÉCHELLE RACE: Dépistage préhospitalier de l’AVC impliquant une occlusion de gros vaisseaux cérébraux (Coursera)
Free Course
L'AVC est une urgence médicale qui dépend du temps. Dans l'AVC ischémique, le type d'AVC le plus courant, le premier objectif est de rétablir la circulation cérébrale par un traitement thrombolytique avec rTPA intraveineux et, s'il n'est pas efficace ou s'il existe des contre-indications médicales, par traitement endovasculaire. Dans [...]

Diseño y Creación de un Emprendimiento Social (Coursera)

Este MOOC introduce al mundo del emprendimiento social definiendo conceptos de innovación y emprendimiento social dentro de un contexto nacional e internacional, por medio de herramientas, metodologías y técnicas útiles para desarrollar un modelo de negocios con misión social. También se utilizará un enfoque interdisciplinario, abarcando las temáticas [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

Probability and Statistics in Data Science using Python (edX)

Using Python, learn statistical and probabilistic approaches to understand and gain insights from data. The job of a data scientist is to glean knowledge from complex and noisy datasets. Reasoning about uncertainty is inherent in the analysis of noisy data. Probability and Statistics provide the mathematical foundation for such [...]

Python for Data Science (edX)

Learn to use powerful, open-source, Python tools, including Pandas, Git and Matplotlib, to manipulate, analyze, and visualize complex datasets. In the information age, data is all around us. Within this data are answers to compelling questions across many societal domains (politics, business, science, etc.). But if you had access [...]

Tsinghua Chinese: Start Talking with 1.3 Billion People (edX)

Beginners' Chinese course from China's top university. This introductory Chinese language course will emphasize basic language skills for everyday life in Mandarin speaking countries. The course utilizes pinyin, the standard system of Romanized spelling for transliterating Chinese, so learners will find it easy to understand and study the [...]

Digital Forensics Concepts (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
 Digital Forensics Concepts (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In the Digital Forensics Concepts course, you will learn about legal considerations applicable to computer forensics and how to identify, collect and preserve digital evidence. This course dives into the scientific principles relating to digital forensics and gives you a close look at on-scene triaging, keyword lists, grep, file [...]

.Net Full Stack Foundation (Coursera)

In this course you will be introduced to everything from the basics of programming concepts like variables, data types, and control structures, to more advanced topics like object-oriented programming, etc.