A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Getting Started With Music Theory (Coursera)

This course is a brief introduction to the elements of music theory for those with little or no music theory experience. We will explore pitch, rhythm, meter, notation, scales, keys, key signatures, meter signatures, triads, seventh chords, and basic harmony. If you listen to music or play music by [...]

Functional Programming Principles in Scala (Scala 2 version) (Coursera)

Functional programming is becoming increasingly widespread in industry. This trend is driven by the adoption of Scala as the main programming language for many applications. Scala fuses functional and object-oriented programming in a practical package. It interoperates seamlessly with both Java and Javascript. Scala is the implementation language of [...]

Creativity Toolkit II: Creative Collaboration (Coursera)

Creativity requires us to collaborate with others. This course is designed to make you a better creative collaborator. Creativity can require us to bring together knowledge from different areas, often known by different people. We need to foster effective collaboration rather than have those differences lead to misunderstandings and [...]

Demand Forecasting Using Time Series (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Demand Forecasting Using Time Series (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is the second in a specialization for Machine Learning for Supply Chain Fundamentals. In this course, we explore all aspects of time series, especially for demand prediction. We'll start by gaining a foothold in the basic concepts surrounding time series, including stationarity, trend (drift), cyclicality, and seasonality. [...]
Apr 22nd 2024
Course Auditing
33.00 EUR/month

Excel Skills for Business: Essentials (Coursera)

In this first course of the specialization Excel Skills for Business you will learn the Essentials of Microsoft Excel. Within six weeks, you will learn to expertly navigate the Excel user interface, perform basic calculations with formulas and functions, professionally format spreadsheets, and create visualizations of data through charts [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

Advanced Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow (Coursera)

Bringing a machine learning model into the real world involves a lot more than just modeling. This Specialization will teach you how to navigate various deployment scenarios and use data more effectively to train your model. In this final course, you’ll explore four different scenarios you’ll encounter when deploying [...]

Advanced Digital Transformation (Part 1) (Coursera)

This course offers an advanced introduction to digital transformation and the emerging trends shaping organizations and our lives. This course helps students, managers, and executives understand how technology can be leveraged as a competitive advantage in contemporary times. Further, students will learn how to organize successfully by leveraging advancements [...]

Advanced Django: External APIs and Task Queuing (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Advanced Django: External APIs and Task Queuing (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Code and run Django websites without installing anything! This course is designed for learners who are familiar with Python and basic Django skills (similar to those covered in the Django for Everybody specialization). The modules in this course cover connecting to external APIs, task queuing, and pulling together the [...]
Apr 22nd 2024
Course Auditing
33.00 EUR/month

Advanced Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Three Dimensional (3D) Motion (Coursera)

This course is an advanced study of bodies in motion as applied to engineering systems and structures. We will study the dynamics of rigid bodies in 3D motion. This will consist of both the kinematics and kinetics of motion. Kinematics deals with the geometrical aspects of motion describing position, [...]

Advanced Information Literacy (Coursera)

This course is designed to build upon a learner's search skills and expertise in the information literacy concepts that underpin scholarship at college or university. This badge incentivizes them to continue improving their information literacy competencies over their academic and workplace career. By participating in this course, one can [...]