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Mining and Materials for Sustainable Development Transformations (edX)

Learn about the role of mining and materials at the heart of the transformations needed to achieve climate change objectives, a just energy transition, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Advanced Bayesian Statistics Using R (edX)

Now that you know the basics of Bayesian inference, dive deeper to explore its richness and flexibility more fully. Let’s take a closer look at modeling latent variables, Bayesian model averaging, generalised linear models, and MCMC methods. Advanced Bayesian Data Analysis Using R is part two of the Bayesian [...]

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics Using R (edX)

Learn the fundamentals of Bayesian approach to data analysis, and practice answering real life questions using R. Basics of Bayesian Data Analysis Using R is part one of the Bayesian Data Analysis in R professional certificate. Bayesian approach is becoming increasingly popular in all fields of data analysis, including [...]

Digital Strategy and Transformation (edX)

Identification of the guiding principles for the creation of strategies aimed at the digital transformation in companies. Nowadays, the fast change of “analogous” business models, to “digital” models, creates the necessity to generate strategies that help companies to outline digital transformation [...]

Global Environment and Trends in Technological Innovation (edX)

Identification of the relevant factors in the competitive environment of companies, and the contemporary technological innovation trends. Nowadays, competitiveness of companies suffer an impact not only by economical, political, social, environmental, and health trends; technological innovation trends are relevant factors in the design of business models that are necessary [...]

Discovering Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (edX)

Revisit the purpose of companies and explore with us what their Corporate Social Responsibility is. Move on to responsible leadership! Learn how to implement a credible CSR strategy in a company, no matter its size. Driven by global crises in financial, economic, and governance systems, companies all over the [...]

Smart Cities (edX)

Explore how New Zealand is using technology and data to design sustainable smart cities. The Smart Cities course charts a journey across New Zealand to understand how smart cities are shaping up from Christchurch in the South to the capital city Wellington all the way to Hamilton in the [...]

SQL Fundamentals (edX)

Learn the fundamentals of SQL and database management. Students learn to construct a wide variety of SQL statements – from beginning to more advanced concepts – such as joins, common table expressions, window functions, etc. Students also learn the basics of query optimization and data modeling.

Biomedical Equipment: A Practical Approach to Healthcare Technology Management (edX)

Feb 15th 2024
Biomedical Equipment: A Practical Approach to Healthcare Technology Management (edX)
Course Auditing
Enhance your knowledge and skills in effective methods of managing the lifespan of biomedical equipment in a limited-resource environment. With limited resources increasingly prevalent, healthcare technology management is often a challenge. Through this course we offer a practical approach to healthcare management that is tailored to this particular healthcare [...]

Measuring Pharmacodynamics: From Ligand Binding to Clinical Outcomes (edX)

Drugs are biologically active compounds. Drug discovery and drug development rely on methods for measuring biological activity. The term “activity” is quite general. In practice, a substance’s biological activity can refer to how a substance affects a biological pathway, cell-level responses, safety risks, how long a substance resides within [...]