5-10 Hours/Week

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The Korean Alphabet: An Introduction to Hangeul (Coursera)

This course introduces Korean characters,'Hangeul', and provides high-level knowledge related to Hangeul. In this course, the background of 'Hangul' is created, who made the Hangeul, and according to what principle it is systematically explained. It also introduces anecdotes related to Korean tourist destinations related to Hangeul and teaches how [...]

Introduction to Blockchain Technologies (Coursera)

In this first course of the specialization, we will discuss the limitations of the Internet for business and economic activity, and explain how blockchain technology represents the way forward. After completing this course, you will be able to explain what blockchain is, how it works, and why it is [...]

Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Nested If Statements and Compound Conditionals (Coursera)

Apr 24th 2024
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Nested If Statements and Compound Conditionals (Coursera)
Course Auditing
How could you program a complex "choose your own adventure" game? How can your soccer game determine goals, balls out of bounds, and corner kicks? You'll learn to do both of these in this course! This class teaches the concepts of nested if/else statements and compound Boolean [...]

Learn to Teach Java: Boolean Expressions, If Statements, and Iteration (Coursera)

Learn to program with Boolean Expressions, If Statement, and For and While Loops in Java, and prepare to teach others using the free, online interactive CS Awesome textbook. In this course for teachers we'll guide you both in learning Java concepts and skills but also in how to [...]

Unordered Data Structures (Coursera)

The Unordered Data Structures course covers the data structures and algorithms needed to implement hash tables, disjoint sets and graphs. These fundamental data structures are useful for unordered data. For example, a hash table provides immediate access to data indexed by an arbitrary key value, that could be a [...]

Ordered Data Structures (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn new data structures for efficiently storing and retrieving data that is structured in an ordered sequence. Such data includes an alphabetical list of names, a family tree, a calendar of events or an inventory organized by part numbers. The specific data structures covered [...]

Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ (Coursera)

This course teaches learners how to write a program in the C++ language, including how to set up a development environment for writing and debugging C++ code and how to implement data structures as C++ classes. It is the first course in the Accelerated CS Fundamentals specialization, and subsequent [...]

Creativity Toolkit I: Changing Perspectives (Coursera)

Thinking and doing the same things faster and better is not enough; we need creativity. Fortunately, creativity is a skill you can learn. This course will examine when, why, and how we can be creative. It examines the cues that trigger us to consider being creative. It provides a [...]

Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how to use key finance principles to understand and measure business success and to identify and promote true value creation. You will learn how to use accounting information to form key financial ratios to measure a company’s financial health and to manage a [...]

Investments I: Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation (Coursera)

In this course, we will discuss fundamental principles of trading off risk and return, portfolio optimization, and security pricing. We will study and use risk-return models such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and multi-factor models to evaluate the performance of various securities and portfolios. Specifically, we will [...]