5-10 Hours/Week

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The Korean Alphabet: An Introduction to Hangeul (Coursera)

This course introduces Korean characters,'Hangeul', and provides high-level knowledge related to Hangeul. In this course, the background of 'Hangul' is created, who made the Hangeul, and according to what principle it is systematically explained. It also introduces anecdotes related to Korean tourist destinations related to Hangeul and teaches how [...]

Unordered Data Structures (Coursera)

The Unordered Data Structures course covers the data structures and algorithms needed to implement hash tables, disjoint sets and graphs. These fundamental data structures are useful for unordered data. For example, a hash table provides immediate access to data indexed by an arbitrary key value, that could be a [...]

Ordered Data Structures (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn new data structures for efficiently storing and retrieving data that is structured in an ordered sequence. Such data includes an alphabetical list of names, a family tree, a calendar of events or an inventory organized by part numbers. The specific data structures covered [...]

Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ (Coursera)

This course teaches learners how to write a program in the C++ language, including how to set up a development environment for writing and debugging C++ code and how to implement data structures as C++ classes. It is the first course in the Accelerated CS Fundamentals specialization, and subsequent [...]

The Economics of Agro-Food Value Chains (Coursera)

In this course, you learn how the agro-food value chain approaches the challenge of constantly improving its competitiveness by producing high quality food and products and also aiming to attain greater sustainability. Some of the topics of this course are: the notion of quality for food and agricultural products [...]

Resilience & Leadership: Tools, Methods, & Applications (Coursera)

Resilience & Leadership: Tools, Methods, & Applications is the second course of the ‘Resilience Engineering and Leadership in Crisis’ specialization. This course offers tools and methods for applying the concepts from the Course 1 (Resilience & Leadership: Concepts, Definitions, & Frameworks) to various applications and disaster scenarios. Systems thinking, [...]

Resilience & Leadership: Concepts, Definitions, & Frameworks (Coursera)

Resilience & Leadership: Concepts, Definitions, & Frameworks is the first course in the specialization ‘Resilience Engineering and Leadership in Crisis’. The course introduces the common terms, definitions, and concepts that characterize resilient systems. Frameworks for resilience engineering and leadership in crisis are applied to complex systems and the built [...]

Data Visualization (Coursera)

In the era of big data, acquiring the ability to analyze and visually represent “Big Data” in a compelling manner is crucial. Therefore, it is essential for data scientists to develop the skills in producing and critically interpreting digital maps, charts, and graphs. Data visualization is an increasingly important [...]

The Structured Query Language (SQL) (Coursera)

Apr 30th 2024
The Structured Query Language (SQL) (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you will learn all about the Structured Query Language ("SQL".) We will review the origins of the language and its conceptual foundations. But primarily, we will focus on learning all the standard SQL commands, their syntax, and how to use these commands to conduct [...]

Project Planning: Putting It All Together (Coursera)

Apr 30th 2024
Project Planning: Putting It All Together (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the third course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will explore how to map out a project in the second phase of the project life cycle: the project planning phase. You will examine the key components of a project plan, how to make accurate [...]