Tourism Industry Analysis (

Tourism Industry Analysis (
Free Course
Knowledge of high school algebra and MS-Excel skills would be very helpful to navigate this course. If you did not have those skills, you can still take this course by pledging to work harder.
Tourism Industry Analysis (
This course examines basic and broad knowledge of economic impact modeling and Tourism Satellite Accounts, focusing on measurement of tourism as an industry.

Participants will be guided through senior-level instruction centering on a globally accepted method to measure tourism as an industry. In the end, participants will see tourism from a fascinating new perspective and will see possibilities to change the various regions of the world for the better through tourism. This course is suitable for any student with curiosity about the industry.

Students have to have MS-Excel software

Free Course
Knowledge of high school algebra and MS-Excel skills would be very helpful to navigate this course. If you did not have those skills, you can still take this course by pledging to work harder.