Technology Applications in Education (

Technology Applications in Education (
Free Course
Intended for educators or professionals.
Technology Applications in Education (
Beyond providing an introduction to the theories of teaching and learning with technology, this course will create a technology-enhanced learning environment where students can experience how these technologies help them learn.

Students will understand technology integration by fully using technologies as part of the course. For example, students will collaborate with peers via blog, listserv, discussion board, and email. They will refer to digital resources, including e-books, video clips, podcasts, and a supplemental Web site. Students will be asked to reflect on their understanding of each topic in their personal blog every week after they read the assigned chapter, view the relevant video clips, and listen to the podcast.

Hardware and software skill builder tutorials will be provided to ensure that students have foundational technology skills in educational settings. The arrangement of the course will meet the needs of students’ different learning styles.