Risk and Opportunity: Managing Risk for Development (Coursera)

Risk and Opportunity: Managing Risk for Development (Coursera)
Free Course
This course is relevant for development practitioners, policy makers, students, and the general public. No prior coursework in the subject is assumed. All participants are welcome.
Risk and Opportunity: Managing Risk for Development (Coursera)
Risks are a part of our everyday lives. Losses from risks and missed opportunities affect everyone. In the last two decades the world has experienced international integration, technological innovation, and economic reform, but also financial turbulence and environmental damage. The fear of loss can prevent people from pursuing development opportunities, leaving many poor people trapped in poverty. However, societies that successfully adapt to risks can make dramatic gains in their living standards.

This course is based on the World Bank’s flagship report, the World Development Report 2014, Risk and Opportunity: Managing Risk for Development. In this course you can learn how risk management can be used to unlock development opportunities, and handle risks proactively.

The course synthesizes, in an easily accessible and interactive way, the Report’s main messages and policy recommendations, along with additional up-to-date research and experience related to risk management in the developing world. It will guide you, through expert videos, a game, and several animations, to identify critical gaps in risk management and to move from being a “crisis fighter” to becoming a proactive and systematic risk manager.

Free Course
This course is relevant for development practitioners, policy makers, students, and the general public. No prior coursework in the subject is assumed. All participants are welcome.