Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Coursera)

Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Coursera)
Free Course
We will not presuppose more than bits of high school mathematics.
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Coursera)
Learn how to apply mathematical methods to philosophical problems and questions.

Since antiquity, philosophers have questioned the foundations--the foundations of the physical world, of our everyday experience, of our scientific knowledge, and of culture and society. In recent years, more and more young philosophers have become convinced that, in order to understand these foundations, and thus to make progress in philosophy, the use of mathematical methods is of crucial importance. This is what our course will be concerned with: mathematical philosophy, that is, philosophy done with the help of mathematical methods.

As we will try to show, one can analyze philosophical concepts much more clearly in mathematical terms, one can derive philosophical conclusions from philosophical assumptions by mathematical proof, and one can build mathematical models in which we can study philosophical problems.

So, as Leibniz would have said: even in philosophy, calculus. Let's calculate.