Gain Buy-In and Get to 'Yes' (SoundviewPro)

Gain Buy-In and Get to 'Yes' (SoundviewPro)
Stop wasting time working on bad ideas. Mike Figliuolo, founder and managing director of thought LEADERS, LLC, will teach you the Structured Thought Process. You will learn how to gather facts, eliminate unnecessary work, create clearer communications and make a compelling argument that gets results.

Sell Your Ideas with Clarity and Confidence. You need to be able to communicate your ideas in a way that’s brief, clear and effective. For many people, this requires a lot of time and energy. Most of that effort is spent developing and reworking ideas that go nowhere. You can change the way you communicate by using the process of Structured Thought. Structured Thought involves building a communication point the way an architect designs an award-winning structure. You’ll learn how to avoid the costly time-trap of performing too much research. Find out how you can clearly define the problem you’re facing and create the “core idea” that will form the basis of your solution. Since storytelling is essential to great communication, you’ll learn how to draft a clear and compelling story. You’ll also learn how to deliver your story to key stakeholders in a way that generates buy-in for your idea.