Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Canvas net)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Canvas net)
Free Course
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Canvas net)
Interested in starting your own business? Learn about entrepreneurship, working at your own pace, over a 5-week period, in around 30 hours of effort. Working individually, you will produce a business plan to form a start-up company using the Osterwalder Canvas, and you will have the opportunity to share, discuss and get feedback from fellow students on the course.

Special emphasis will be given to an effective combination of self-directed learning, based on well prepared and well-structured course material, and discussion with your colleagues. You should aim to choose an innovative idea (by the end of week 2 at the latest) and this will act as the core of your learning process and business plan development. By the end of the 4th week you will be asked to upload your business plan. Week 5 will be spent reviewing the business plans of others and reading the feedback from your peers on your own.

As an additional benefit, and as part of a research project, you have the opportunity to engage in social media to provide further support and interaction with colleagues during the course. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please select one of the social media tools below to register for the social media. Once you have done this, please return to this page to register by pressing the ‘ENROLL’ button.

By the end of the course you will:

Have developed entrepreneurship skills.

Produce a business plan.

Develop a ‘Business Model You’ canvas for personal development.

Recognise and act on knowledge transfer opportunities.

Recognise a business opportunity with some degree of realism.

Understand the core mechanisms for raising finance to start your business.