Social Sciences

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The Outcomes and Interventions of Health Informatics (Coursera)

For clinical data science to be effective in healthcare—to achieve the outcomes desired—it must translate into decision support of some sort, either at the patient, clinician, or manager level. By the end of this course, students will be able to articulate the need for an intervention, to right size [...]

Privacy in Europe (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Privacy in Europe (Coursera)
Course Auditing
After having followed Privacy in the Western world you have become acquainted with the overall global legal system and the origins of privacy as a concept as well as privacy as a (human) right. This course deals with the European legal system to protect privacy. European privacy protection is [...]

Poverty & Population: How Demographics Shape Policy (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Poverty & Population: How Demographics Shape Policy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course has four modules, or foci. The first is to understand the categories of social welfare—populations, income, earnings, and assets— and some related concepts that play a very large role in shaping policy decisions: unemployment, inflation, and the minimum wage. The second deals with the central [...]

US Social Services: Where did they come from? (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
US Social Services: Where did they come from? (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The course probes the formation of social policy in the United States from its very first cultural and religious roots. Starting with the transition from hunter-gatherer groups to agrarian villages, the course will examine the passage of the Poor Laws that shaped social policy through the colonial [...]

US Social Services Compared (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
US Social Services Compared (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In all nations, social policy is a very large public investment. Course 1 will explore the size, structure, and outcomes of U.S. social policy and compare this policy to those of similar developed countries. The course will also probe the values this policy represents and the values [...]

Health, Housing, and Educational Services (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Health, Housing, and Educational Services (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Course 5 discusses policies in four areas: housing, education, healthcare, and immigration, with an optional fifth module in child protection. This course addresses issues of power, oppression, and white supremacy. What you will learn: describe the structures of US policy in each of the course’s domains: Housing, schools, healthcare, [...]

Social Services for Families, Seniors and Those with Disabilities (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Social Services for Families, Seniors and Those with Disabilities (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Course 4 discusses four populations: families, poor families, people with disabilities, and people as they age. This course addresses issues of power, oppression, and white supremacy. What You Will Learn: formulate practice strategies to overcome the historic biases in social welfare programs; distinguish the values inherent in each social [...]
Apr 22nd 2024
Course Auditing
42.00 EUR/month

Animals and Institutions (Coursera)

This course explores animals within the context of the functional relationships that sociologists call “institutions.” We first examine the use of animals in laboratory science. We then examine the controversial transformation of animals into “livestock” and "meat." We also explore the perspectives of people committed to rejecting the construction [...]

Animals, Self, and Society (Coursera)

This course explores how animals and people are situated within the web of structures and connections known as “society.” Module 1 considers some of the key symbolic roles that animals play in society by investigating the practice of “thinking with animals.” We investigate how people construct different meanings of [...]

The Changing Status and Perception of Animals (Coursera)

In this course, we explore how mainstream understandings of animals and human-animal relationships have changed in recent years. Module 1 focuses on the roles of animals in human physical health and psychological well being. Module 2 explores animal selfhood, particularly in light of their inability to use spoken [...]