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International Law in Action: the Arbitration of International Disputes (Coursera)

‘The Arbitration of International Disputes’ is the third course of Leiden University’s series on International Law in Action. The first course covered generalities on the international courts and tribunals in The Hague, while the second course provided an insider's perspective into the work of international criminal courts [...]

Gestion et Politique de l'eau (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Gestion et Politique de l'eau (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Aujourd’hui la gestion de l’eau se trouve confrontée à de nouveaux défis tels que le changement climatique ou les conséquences des activités anthropiques. Les acteurs publics ou privés dans ce domaine doivent développer de nouvelles compétences pour mieux gérer le cycle de l’eau « dans son ensemble ». [...]

Economic Growth and Distributive Justice Part I -The Role of the State (Coursera)

If you really care about the big questions in the economies and societies of the 21st century, such as distributive justice - namely, inequality of income or wealth, and its correlation with economic growth - this course is meant for you. The knowledge you will gain can truly change [...]

Rédaction de Contrats (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Rédaction de Contrats (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Le cours porte sur les usages généralement admis en matière de rédaction de contrats commerciaux, dans leur forme continentale ou anglo-saxonne. Les principales clauses de ces contrats sont examinées, à l’aide d’exemples tirés de contrats classiques.

Introduction aux droits de l’homme (Coursera)

Ce cours propose une introduction à la protection internationale des droits de l’homme. Il en présente les sources, les catégories, le contenu et les limites qui leur sont opposables, ainsi que les obligations qu’ils génèrent à la charge des Etats. Il expose aussi les principaux mécanismes de mise en [...]

刑法学总论 Criminal Law (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
刑法学总论 Criminal Law (Coursera)
Course Auditing

Introduction to International Criminal Law (Coursera)

From the Nuremberg trial to the case against Saddam Hussein, from the prosecution of Al-Qaeda terrorists to the trial of Somali pirates – no area of law is as important to world peace and security as international criminal law. Taught by one of the world’s leading experts in the [...]

Nuts and Bolts of U.S. Immigration Law (Coursera)

Apr 1st 2024
Nuts and Bolts of U.S. Immigration Law (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course begins by exploring short term entry and long term entry into the United States. We will cover the various means of short term entry and long term entry, as well as the general application processes. We will also examine exclusion and deportation in the United States. In [...]

AI & Law (Coursera)

Apr 1st 2024
AI & Law (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This four-week course titled AI and Law explores the way in which the increasing use of artificially intelligent technologies (AI) affects the practice and administration of law defined in a broad sense. Subject matters discussed include the connection be between AI and Law in the context of legal responsibility, [...]

Genomics for Law (Coursera)

Genomics for Law provides a unique framework to review the history and basics of genomics research as well as explore how genomics has, and will continue to, interact with the law.