Economics & Finance

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¿Cómo tomar decisiones financieras que agreguen valor? (Coursera)

Los estudiantes al terminar este curso estarán en capacidad de seguir un proceso sistemático y ordenado para la toma de decisiones financieras. Este curso permitirá no solo exponer a los participantes a todos los detalles del proceso de decisión típicos del gerente de finanzas, sino aplicar sus conocimientos a [...]

Modelización Cuantitativa para Finanzas Corporativas (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Modelización Cuantitativa para Finanzas Corporativas (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este es un curso de modelización cuantitativa pensado para su aplicación en el ámbito de finanzas corporativas. En este curso aprenderás cómo explotar de la mejor forma los datos que alimentan a los modelos financieros. En la "era de los datos", cada vez más las organizaciones cuentan con [...]

La Disrupción del Blockchain (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
La Disrupción del Blockchain (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Muchas personas ya conocen al bitcoin, la moneda digital que en pocos años pasó de valer unos pocos centavos a miles de dólares. Pero esto es sólo la punta del iceberg de un fenómeno mucho más grande. El blockchain, la tecnología en la que se basa el bitcoin, [...]

Credit Risk Management: Frameworks and Strategies (Coursera)

In this course, you will use business and industry analysis to understand companies, projects, business models, and financing proposals. You will then prepare qualitative risk analysis for specific companies to use as the basis for financial analysis, project analysis, and risk decisions. Lastly, you will understand how to use [...]

Forex - Trading Around the World (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Forex - Trading Around the World (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we’ll introduce you to the foreign currency market, including who participates in it and some of their reasons for doing so. You’ll also gain an understanding of the complex nature of certain trading products, as well as some of the risks investors typically face. We’ll also [...]

Fundamentals of Equities (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Fundamentals of Equities (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, will look at industries and economic sectors that neatly define an economy. We will also introduce you to fundamental concepts involved in a company’s annual statements such as balance sheets, cash flows and its income statement, plus explore popular fundamental values used to filter vast amounts [...]

U.S. Bond Investing Basics (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
U.S. Bond Investing Basics (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this fixed income course, you will learn to distinguish between different types of U.S. dollar-denominated corporate and municipal debt issuance, identify corporate and municipal bonds available to purchase and sell on an online trading platform, grasp the market mechanics underlying each type of fixed income instrument, as well [...]

Derivatives - Options & Futures (Coursera)

While investing and trading in the options market may seem somewhat more daunting than other asset classes such as stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, currencies and commodities, you’ll ultimately find that their complexity can be boiled down to simple concepts you’ll be able to understand and use the more you’re [...]

Arctic Change & the Nexus of Governance, Economics & Culture (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Arctic Change & the Nexus of Governance, Economics & Culture (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will learn how the changing Arctic environment is tied to the growing economic and strategic importance of the North. After setting the stage through a review of the peoples of the Arctic and how they are dealing with change, Arctic governance, economies national defense, attention [...]

Principles of Sustainable Finance (Coursera)

Finance is widely seen as an obstacle to a better world. Principles of Sustainable Finance explains how the financial sector can be mobilized to counter this. Using finance as a means to achieve social goals we can divert the planet and its economy from its current path to a [...]