CS: Theory

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M001: MongoDB Basics (MongoDB)

Learn the fundamentals of MongoDB. In this course you will learn how to set up your database and start exploring different ways to search, create, and analyze your data with MongoDB. We will cover database performance basics, and discover how to get started with creating applications and visualizing your [...]

Intro to Algorithms (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to Algorithms (Udacity)
Free Course
This class will give you an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms, enabling you to analyze networks and discover how individuals are connected.

More Data Mining with Weka (FutureLearn)

Learn more about practical data mining, including how to deal with large data sets. Use advanced techniques to mine your own data! This course introduces advanced data mining skills, following on from Data Mining with Weka.

Concurrent Programming in Erlang (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Concurrent Programming in Erlang (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn the theory and practice of concurrent programming in Erlang, through practical exercises and suggested projects. Concurrent functional programming is increasingly important in providing global-scale applications on the internet. We combine the theory of concurrent programming with the practice of how that works in Erlang. You’ll get the opportunity [...]

Data Structures and Algorithm Design Part II | 数据结构与算法设计(下) (edX)

Learn the basics of data structures and methods to design algorithms and analyze their performance. 本课程旨在围绕各类数据结构的设计与实现,揭示其中的规律原理与方法技巧;同时针对算法设计及其性能分析,使学生了解并掌握主要的套路与手段。

Data Structures and Algorithm Design Part I | 数据结构与算法设计(上) (edX)

Learn the basics of data structures and methods to design algorithms and analyze their performance. 本课程旨在围绕各类数据结构的设计与实现,揭示其中的规律原理与方法技巧;同时针对算法设计及其性能分析,使学生了解并掌握主要的套路与手段。

Algorithms and Data Structures Capstone (edX)

Synthesize your knowledge of algorithms and biology to build your own software for solving a biological challenge. Building a fully-fledged algorithm to assemble genomes from DNA fragments on a real dataset is an enormous challenge with major demand in the multi-billion dollar biotech industry. In this capstone project, we [...]

How to simplify your process execution with Signavio Workflow Accelerator (mooc house)

Designed for workflow modelers, our objective is to teach you firstly the theoretical basics of workflow management, and secondly how you can begin modeling and automating workflows in Signavio Workflow Accelerator yourself. Through animations, tutorial videos, and a practical exercise, you will strengthen your knowledge and gain experience using [...]

Data Structures (Stepik)

This interactive textbook was written with the intention of teaching Computer Science students about various data structures as well as the applications in which each data structure would be appropriate to use.