CS: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Computer Vision

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Robotics: Computational Motion Planning (Coursera)

Robotic systems typically include three components: a mechanism which is capable of exerting forces and torques on the environment, a perception system for sensing the world and a decision and control system which modulates the robot's behavior to achieve the desired ends. In this course we will consider the [...]

Robotics: Mobility (Coursera)

How can robots use their motors and sensors to move around in an unstructured environment? You will understand how to design robot bodies and behaviors that recruit limbs and more general appendages to apply physical forces that confer reliable mobility in a complex and dynamic world. We develop an [...]

Computational Neuroscience (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to basic computational methods for understanding what nervous systems do and for determining how they function. We will explore the computational principles governing various aspects of vision, sensory-motor control, learning, and memory. Specific topics that will be covered include representation of information by spiking [...]

Introduction to Generative AI (Coursera)

This introductory course is designed for beginners with no prior knowledge of generative AI. You will start by gaining a high-level understanding of what generative AI is and how it works. Through interactive lessons and hands-on examples, you will learn fundamental skills like providing effective prompts and iteratively improving [...]

AI for Efficient Programming: Harnessing the Power of LLMs (Coursera)

This course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for software development explores the use of AI large language models such as ChatGPT, Bard, and others and their potential benefits and challenges. Through examples and hands-on activities, you will develop an understanding of the ways in which AI can speed up software [...]

Introduction to Generative AI (Coursera)

This introductory course offers a comprehensive exploration of Generative AI, including Transformers, ChatGPT for generating text, and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), the Diffusion Model for generating images. By the end of this course, you will gain a basic understanding of these Generative AI models, their underlying theories, and practical [...]

Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution (Coursera)

This course, which is the last and final course in the Introduction to Robotics with Webots specialization, will teach you basic approaches for planning robot trajectories and sequence their task execution. In "Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution", you will develop standard algorithms such as Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra's, A* [...]

Basic Robotic Behaviors and Odometry (Coursera)

"Basic Robotic Behaviors and Odometry" provides you with an introduction to autonomous mobile robots, including forward kinematics (“odometry”), basic sensors and actuators, and simple reactive behavior. This course is centered around exercises in the realistic, physics-based simulator, “Webots”, where you will experiment in a hands-on manner with simple reactive [...]

Generating code with ChatGPT API (Coursera)

This course walks learners through setting up their OpenAI trial, generating API keys, and making their first API request. Learners are introduced to the basics of using the ChatGPT-API to generate a variety of responses.

Build AI Apps with ChatGPT, Dall-E, and GPT-4 (Coursera)

By the end of this course, you'll know how to use the OpenAI API to add mind-blowing AI features to your apps. You will learn how to use the Dall-E, GPT-4, and ChatGPT APIs, and get the expertise to fine-tune a model with your own data. In the first [...]