Management & Leadership

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Creativity Toolkit II: Creative Collaboration (Coursera)

Creativity requires us to collaborate with others. This course is designed to make you a better creative collaborator. Creativity can require us to bring together knowledge from different areas, often known by different people. We need to foster effective collaboration rather than have those differences lead to misunderstandings and [...]

Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals (Coursera)

Not so long ago, the job of product manager was about assessing market data, creating requirements, and managing the hand-off to sales/marketing. Maybe you’d talk to a customer somewhere in there and they’d tell you what features they wanted. But companies that manage product that way are dying. Being [...]

A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration (Coursera)

Integrated landscape management and large-scale landscape restoration should be in every company’s business strategy because in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goal on Land Degradation Neutrality (SDG Number 15.3) scaling up and acceleration of business-driven landscape restoration is urgently [...]

The hidden value - Lean in manufacturing and services (Coursera)

Lean is a powerful methodology that enables managers and employees to shift their mindset and helps companies to keep their business sustainable by creating competitive advantage. Today, in an increasingly complex and dynamic world, where companies struggle to maintain competitive advantage, Lean is more important than ever. This course [...]

Intercultural Management (Coursera)

This MOOC explores different aspects of intercultural management, including teams, leadership, Human Resource Management, marketing and negotiations. When you complete this MOOC, you will have a richer understanding of the concept of culture, and how culture influences the way that individuals behave. [...]

Sustainable Innovation for Subsistence Marketplaces (Coursera)

This course focuses on understanding subsistence marketplaces and designing business solutions for the billions of people living in poverty in the global marketplace. To develop understanding of subsistence marketplaces, we use exercises to enable participants to view the world from the eyes of subsistence consumers and entrepreneurs, facilitate bottom‐up [...]

Administración para obtener resultados (Coursera)

La planeación estratégica es una metodología de gran impacto que ha demostrado su eficacia en las mejores empresas del mundo. En este curso, revisaremos los principios básicos de la estrategia organizacional que permiten definir objetivos y tácticas para delimitar indicadores y líneas de acción que generen y mantengan la [...]

Creating Innovation (Coursera)

The third course of the specialization CREATING INNOVATION will teach you what is at the core of all innovations that solve complex problems and how to foster methods to make big breakthroughs possible. It advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in [...]