Moving, Shooting, and Debugging in GameMaker (Coursera)

Moving, Shooting, and Debugging in GameMaker (Coursera)
Course Auditing
No prior experience required

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Moving, Shooting, and Debugging in GameMaker (Coursera)
This course is the second course in the specialization about learning how to develop video games using GameMaker on Windows or Mac. Why use GameMaker instead of using C# and Unity or C++ and Unreal*? Learning to develop games with GameMaker is much easier than learning to program in C# or C++ AND learning Unity or Unreal. If you just want to continue learning how to develop games in a more "gentle" way, this is a great starting point.

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This course assumes you have the prerequisite knowledge from the previous course in the specialization. You should make sure you have that knowledge, either by taking that previous course or from personal experience, before tackling this course. Throughout this course you'll continue building your foundational GameMaker knowledge by exploring more GameMaker and game development topics.

Module 1: Learn how to implement player and movement and learn about collision masks

Module 2: Learn how to shoot projectiles and control firing rate

Module 3: Learn how to debug both Visual games and Code games

Module 4: Learn how to add health to your games

* I do have Coursera Specializations called C# Programming for Unity Game Development and C++ Programming for Unreal Game Development for those more advanced topics.

This course is part of the Game Development with GameMaker Specialization.


Player Movement

In this module, you'll learn how to move the player's avatar. You'll also learn how to clamp the avatar so it stays in the screen, and you'll learn about collision masks and bounding boxes.


In this module, you'll learn how to add shooting to your games, including support for controlled firing rate and spam firing.


In this module, you'll learn about the debugging process and you'll learn how to debug GML Visual and GML Code games.

Getting Healthy

In this module, you'll learn how to add health to your games, and you'll also learn how to make one object move toward (chase) another object.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month
No prior experience required

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.