Introduction to UX Design MasterTrack Certificate Program (Coursera)

Introduction to UX Design MasterTrack Certificate Program (Coursera)
Free Course
The class is introductory. There is no required knowledge needed to take the class. Learners can keep the work rudimentary but also take deep dives.

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Introduction to UX Design MasterTrack Certificate Program (Coursera)
User experience is a highly in-demand field which requires a holistic understanding of the design process. This course is a "sample" of the UX Design MasterTrack certificate program. You will have the opportunities to explore core topics in UX including Ethics and Research, User Research, User Testing, and Visual Literacy as four modules.

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You can take the opportunity to gain some basic understanding of UX research, and take this course as a pathway to the UX Design MasterTrack certificate program. The assignments you have accomplished in this open course can be carried over to the UX Mastertrack certificate program.

What You Will Learn

- After finishing our Mastertrack program, you'll gain artful and scientific skills in conducting and evaluating user experience design and research.

- After finishing the program, you will apply your new career skills by designing a proposal and developing a user experience product for organization



Introduction to the Course


Ethics and Research

This module serves as a preview of the full course Ethics and Research from the UX Design MasterTrack program. You will explore a breadth of ethical concerns and questions that you may encounter in the process of conducting and disseminating research. Topics addressed include: ethics in research setting, use of human subjects, data handling, plagiarism, authorship, publishing, research funding, social responsibility of researchers, collaboration, and professional codes of conduct.


User Research for User Experience Design

This module serves as a preview of the full course User Research for User Experience Design from the UX Design MasterTrack program. In this module, you’ll build your understanding of designing for the user to foster improved product and delivery through heuristics evaluations, experience mapping through observation, surveys, analysis, and cognitive processes.


Visual Literacy

This module serves as a preview of the full course Visual Literacy from the UX Design MasterTrack program.In this module, you’ll learn about Visual literacy—a valuable skill for designers, learners, and citizens. It requires work to develop, but the lessons, while not conveying traditional content, will change you in ways you do not foresee, in ways which are valuable.


User Testing for User Experience Design

This module serves as a preview of the full course User Testing for User Experience Design from the UX Design MasterTrack program. In this project-based course, you will gain an overview of qualitative research to progress product development and develop your design thinking skills.


What is next?

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course
The class is introductory. There is no required knowledge needed to take the class. Learners can keep the work rudimentary but also take deep dives.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.