Zorana Jovanovic Andersen

Zorana Jovanovic Andersen is Associate Professor in Epidemiology at the Centre for Epidemiology and Screening, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen. She received MSc in Biostatistics from University of Pittsburgh, USA in 2001 and PhD in Environmental Epidemiology from University of Copenhagen in 2007. Her main research area is in epidemiological studies of health effects of air pollution, both short- and long-term exposure, and has lately also worked with noise. Her main research findings include studies documenting associations between short-term exposure to air pollution in Copenhagen and cardiovascular respiratory disease hospitalizations among elderly, and asthma symptoms and hospitalizations in children. She has published a number of studies on effects of long-term exposure to air pollution in two large Danish cohorts, Diet, Cancer and Health and Nurse cohorts, showing that subjects living in areas with high air pollution levels have an increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, diabetes, stroke, lung cancer, and premature mortality. She most recently published studies showing link between air polution and breast cancer in 15 European cohorts within ESCAPE.

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Air Pollution – a Global Threat to our Health (Coursera)

We all have to breathe to live. But the air we breathe is polluted both outdoors and indoors. Each year, this pollution costs 7 million lives across the globe – and a lot of suffering. 1 in 8 deaths is due to air pollution. This course will provide you [...]